public class AIDiagnosisReview {
private String patientInfo;
private String diagnosis;
private String treatment;
// AI Diagnosis and Treatment Decision Support
public void diagnoseAndTreat() {
// Use AI to analyze patient information and provide diagnosis
this.diagnosis = AIAssistant.analyzePatient(patientInfo);
// Use AI to suggest treatment based on the diagnosis
this.treatment = AIAssistant.suggestTreatment(diagnosis);
// Commenting for Charity
public void donateToCharity() {
// Implement a donation mechanism, perhaps by donating a percentage of profits or offering a "donate" button.
// D Printing Services
public void printMedicalEquipment() {
// If your company offers D printing services, you could implement a method to print medical equipment as needed.
// Information Security
public void secureData() {
// It is important to keep sensitive patient data safe, so you might implement a method to encrypt and securely store it.